Unfortunately, The Insurance Council of Australia estimate
that up to 80% of the homes destroyed are UNDERINSURED.
We cannot stress how important it is to review your property
insurance on an annual basis. Always take in to context any
alterations that may have been done throughout the year and
allow for any ination in buildings' costs, as well as costs for
the replacement of your contents.
As many who have been affected by the bushres start the long
process of rebuilding, the realisation of underinsurance is starting
to become a reality. Policy Holders have simply underestimated
the value of their assets or have looked for lower sums insured in
an attempt to SAVE MONEY!
SSAA General Insurance Brokers highly recommend that you
review your current sums insured for all your policies. In our
experience, people are normally surprised at just how much
they own. DVDs, CDs, linen, towels, jewellery, inherited Items,
plates and cooking appliances – it all adds up to more than
you realise. We recommend that whilst this is fresh in your minds,
you review your own policies to ensure you are insured for the
correct amounts.
Please, either give me a call
on 0455 777 685 or Hayley on
0497 205 641 in NSW Oce
to discuss underinsurance or any other insurance matter in
more detail. Head to the resource section on our website,
www.ssaaib.com.au for useful information and a checklist
to assist you in calculating your sums insured.
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