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LANCE MILLER PRESIDENT SSAA NSW. COVID-19 The outcomes of these issues have seen consumer condence fall and, if COVID-19 gains momentum, then share markets and business will be signicantly impacted. The possible result will be less money in the economy which will impact our industry and possibly even our membership as funds tighten up in Australian households. Remember that in many cases your membership is your genuine reason to have a shooters license. ASSISTING IN THE IMPACT OF BUSHFIRES At the beginning of the year when the impact of a long drought and the danger of bushres were at their peak, I wrote to you all about these issues and I thank those members who responded to that call to support our farmers and our communities. A common thread through those responses was talk around supporting farmers and communities by taking on the difcult tasks of euthanising starving stock and injured wildlife. In NSW we need a specic addendum to our rearms license to euthanise animals so, in most cases, this was not possible. To ensure we can help in future disasters, our upcoming Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will provide the training for members to gain the necessary licence accreditation. The impact of res on native animals and vegetation was widely publicised. The increased vulnerability of many native animals to predators, due to destroyed habitats, was also a topic of discussion. Our native wildlife has suffered without their traditional environmental protection and their food sources. We met with various authorities around their needs to have highly qualied volunteers to help manage the impact of feral animals on native wildlife and native vegetation. Positive results for our conservation efforts will ow from these meetings and our RTO is key to meeting the needs of skilled feral management. COMMUNICATION AND COOPERATION In my last NSW Shooter report I wrote of the success of our communication and our efforts to make our industry and all law abiding rearms owners (LAFOs) more cohesive. Externally we have had signicant success in identifying the common goals we share with other shooting bodies and the rearms industry. There are still some individuals that are chasing personal agendas and I ask them to stop and consider the bigger picture. We can all share in positive outcomes by working together. External success is far greater than I anticipated when elected in May 2018. Political access and relationships with allied associations and registry, etc. are all much stronger than at any time I can recall in our recent past. These results are based on the policies and recruitment that SSAA NSW has undertaken. President's Message 05 I S S U E 5 9 A P R I L 2 0 2 0

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