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Member's update... Ammo Bill As advised in the last edition of the NSW Shooter, legislation now requires the recording of all ammunition sales; details required for every transaction include the purchasers name, address, licence number as well as the brand, calibre and amount of ammunition bought. As of 8th April, any purchase of ammunition for use in handguns also requires the seller to sight the original registration certificate of the handgun the ammunition will be used for and to record the registration number. Registration papers must be in the name of the person purchasing the ammunition. Many members are concerned with the possible access to personal address details, as the majority of Dealers and Armourers are using hard copy registers given the specifications in the Act for recording such details. SSAA NSW has written to Police Minister Gallacher and our local MP outlining our concerns on behalf of SSAA NSW members. We strongly encourage all members to take the time to write to their local MP using either the Action Centre on our website ( or by referring to the letter published in this edition of the NSW Shooter. Members also need to be aware that recently the NSW Firearms Registry has changed the information published in their Ammunition Safe Storage, Purchase & Possession Fact Sheet; under the question 'Who can sell ammunition?' this now states 'A licensed firearms dealer or a person authorised by a permit to sell ammunition.' Hunting and the SSAA NSW H&C Program SSAA NSW has partnered with Game Council to deliver it's OutREACH program which is a series of 15 short courses aimed at providing education to hunters; both beginners as well as the more experienced. We have purchased a 5 year licence for the Program and negotiated with Game Council for this licence to cover any of our NSW Branches that wish to utilise OutREACH. Rob Broderick has been working with Mike Spray from Game Council to establish a pilot program with one of our Branches. Once established, this program will then be offered to all SSAA NSW Branches along with support and assistance provided by Rob. A number of courses are also being developed which will be offered to participants of our H&C Program through Hunter's Workshops and Programs. As part of our aim to engage with our hunter members more as well as participants of our H&C Program, we've recently signed up for a SSAA NSW sponsored forum on the popular AHN forum (www. which is helping us interact more with hunters and also gain a better insight into what it is that hunters want from us and our H&C Program. In the coming months, we'll be launching a survey which will allow interested hunters to provide specific feedback on what they want to see offered. SSAA NSW will also be participating in a number of hunting expos over the coming year. Insurance It's really important for all members to be aware that the SSAA insurance program covers our members for their liability when participating in lawful shooting activities, including hunting. But, when participating in hunting activities on private properties the liability of the property owner is not covered. SSAA NSW strongly encourages all hunters to ensure that any property they visit has the appropriate liability insurance covering shooting activities to avoid our members not being able to claim in the event of injury or accident as a result of the negligence of the property owner. We also suggest that you sight a copy of the certificate of currency for the insurance policy which shows that the property is covered for all shooting activities. And finally… Many Members have asked me for an update on proceedings of a Court case involving SSAA Coffs Harbour Branch. For a full summary please visit our website at Diana Melham Executive Director SSAA (NSW) Inc. Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. Check out the SSAA NSW website to stay up to date with the latest news for the safe, fun and unique range of shooting sports. 3