Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. 5
World Rimfi re Benchrest Championships
From 7-12 July, Australia was represented by 3 teams
at The World Rimfi re Championships held in France.
SSAA team members were: Robin Cox (NSW), John
Radford (NSW), Jaegan Peet (VIC), Richard Lightfoot (VIC),
Glenn Seaman (NSW), Annette Rowe (VIC), John Patzwald
(QLD), Joy Harrison (NSW) and Ashley Elford (NSW).
All of our Australian teams did us proud, in the Team
Grand Aggregate our 3 teams took out the 1st, 3rd and
4th places overall.
For the Individual Grand Aggregate the Aussies took
home 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th places, with all of our
Australian competitors placing in the top 35.
NSW's own John Radford and John Patzwald took out
the 1st & 2nd places respectively. John Radford won
the World Championship with a perfect score of 1500
while John Patzwald, who used Radford's rifl e & gear,
came second, only 2 points off fi rst place.
Overall the Australian teams did extremely well, they
provided tough competition at an elite international level
and we'd like to congratulate them all on their fantastic