NSW Shooter December 2014

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Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. 2 From your President Well it's been a very big year for me and your SSAA NSW Board and hopefully it's been a good SSAA year for you because every member is important to us. There's so much to tell you, I hardly know where to start. SSAA National This year saw Queensland President Geoff Jones taking over as National President. Geoff understands that our two states have a lot in common with the biggest membership, the most Ranges and our structure and problems are quite similar. He is a seasoned media This is a stunning political breakthrough for Liberal Democratic Party Senator, David Leyonhjelm. His office has told me there is still much planning to be done and the actual location could change but it is a done deal. The NSWRA fought hard to keep a range in the Sydney basin and now the LDP Senator has delivered what others have only talked about for years. SYDNEY TO GET A $15 MILLION DOLLAR NEW RANGE The story below appeared in The Sunday Telegraph, December 7. performer and handles media interviews with both style and substance. SSAA Farmer Assist This SSAA program is working in other states and hopefully next year will see SSAA NSW hunters helping NSW farmers control feral pests on private farms. The details are being worked on by Di Melham and SSAA National. SSAA Farmer Assist could become more popular with our hunters than slogging it out in distant State Forests. Some of you may remember Senator Leyonhjelm, he was once on the SSAA NSW Board and he worked closely with the late Roy Smith on strategy development. In the long run I believe his breakthrough will be good for all Sydney shooters and we'll see more from the LDP in the future.

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