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Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. 13 During the fi rst 12 months over 560 members have taken the fi rst step and registered an interest in becoming involved with the Program. 213 members have attended the 15 different Information Sessions held in 7 locations throughout NSW, including Sydney, Griffi th, Dubbo, Armidale, Queanbeyan, Wagga Wagga and the Hunter Valley. Many of these members are at various stages of accreditation and on their way to the fi nal step of induction. In 2014 we held 6 Induction Sessions, 4 at St Marys Indoor Shooting Centre and one each at Griffi th and the SSAA ACT Majura Range. The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will be independently evaluating the Program during the 3 year trial. The evaluation will examine the ecological, operational, social and economic as pects of the Program and fi nally the NRC will make a recommendation to the Government on the future of the Program following the trial. Ultimately, however it will be up to the Government to decide on whether or not the Program will continue and if so, in what format. We have another two years left of the Trial and we're constantly reviewing and adapting what we're doing so that we can improve. It's a perfect opportunity to try different things to see what works well and change what doesn't. There are many opportunities for the volunteers involved to provide feedback, and it's pleasing to see that many take advantage of this. It gives us the chance to adapt and change things so that we can ensure we've got the best practices and systems in place to deliver the outcomes needed to make the Trial a success and hopefully see the SPC Program continue. In 2015 we are planning a number of Information Sessions and Induction Days in locations throughout NSW. As soon as the dates and locations are fi nalised we'll be advising all those members that are on our SPC database. If you're interested in fi nding out more, or becoming involved in the SPC Program, visit the SSAA NSW website and register your interest using the green "Register for SPC Program" link on the home page. SPC FAQs Can we take meat & trophies? Yes, provided it doesn't disrupt the operation. We've had both trophies and meat taken during operations this year. There may be some cases where it is not permitted, NPWS will explain this in the volunteer request. Why do we need supervision? The Ops Supervisor functions as a team leader allowing the QSPCVs to concentrate on their primary role which is to shoot the targets and take responsibility for their shots. Are the calibres that can be used limited? For each operation a calibre range will be specifi ed and as long as the fi rearm being used is within that calibre range, it can be used. Will National Parks provide ammunition? Yes, provided it is within the NPWS standard armoury which includes .22, .22 magnum, .223 and .308. For other calibres volunteers will have to provide their own ammunition. How long are operations and when are they planned? So far there have been 1, 2, 3 and 4 day operations held mainly over weekends as this is when most volunteers are available. There have been a couple of operations during the week. What is the level of training and accreditation required? The training covers the humane destruction of animals, WHS, mapping & navigation and fi rst aid. These are the same criteria required of NPWS staff who participate in shooting activities – all the Ops Supervisors are shooters and have completed training at an equivalent or higher level. How to become a QSPCV 1. Register Interest on SSAA NSW Website 2. Attend an Information Session 3. Submit an Application 4. Complete Online Theory Components 5. First Aid 6. Complete Practical Firearms and Mapping Assessments 7. Attend an Induction