NSW Shooter October 2015

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Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. 9 Billy Dixon Shoot celebrates 15 years Buffalo Rifl e Association hosts annual shoot The Buffalo Rifl e Association of Australia held their signature match, the Billy Dixon Black Powder Cartridge Shoot, at the Nioka Range near Manilla on the weekend of 26 and 27 September. It's a unique match, open to all competitors using replicas of the single shot rifl es used in the USA in the mid to late 1800's; mainly Sharps Falling Block, Remington Rolling Block and Winchester High Walls. Competition involves no sighters and was split into two stages. In stage one, competitors shoot fi ve rounds at 200 (offhand), 300, 600 and 1000 yards. While stage two is seven shots, best fi ve counting, at tougher distances of 800, 900 and 1000 yards. There were also side events including a .22 silhouette match and the single shot Coyote Dung shoot at a small metal plate at 1200 yards. This was named after Coyote Dung, an Indian Medicine Man who was famously shot off his horse at 1,538 yards by Billy Dixon ending the Battle of Adobe Walls in 1874. David McCarthy was the only competitor at the Shoot to hit the target and won the Trophy. The winner of stage one was Eric Johnston with 36 points out of a possible 40, in second place was Gavin Dignam and Havilah Hanns both on 30. Stage two was a dead heat between Gavin Dignam and Terry McCallum, both with 45 out of 45 while third place was shared between three shooters on 42 points. The Shoot was held on the Nioka range which is one of the few 1000 yard ranges available to shooters in NSW. The range is owned by the Miguel Family and is well equipped with camping areas, showers and toilets. A big thank you to the Miguels for their help with the catering and hosting the event. Ladies cup winner Kristie Comb Shooters and supporters at the Billy Dixon Match David McCarthy won the Coyote Dung Trophy It's a long way to the 1000 yard target Firing line at the Nioka range

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