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5 NOVEMBER 2021 President's Message As your peak shooting body, SSAA NSW regularly seeks opportunities to represent the interests of our Members and Branches. We are dedicated to protecting, promoting, and preserving the shooting sports in NSW. SSAA NSW constantly endeavours to improve processes and services as well as advocate for all legal firearms owners across a broad spectrum of issues. In a period of such widespread change and uncertainty, we are pleased to report that our Association is more connected and productive than ever. The 2020/2021 AGM reflects how we have successfully adapted to change, as we work towards holding our first virtual AGM to ensure the inclusion of all, even as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic keep us from meeting in person. BRANCH COMMUNICATIONS We have now established Zoom meetings as an effective form of communication with our Branches. We regularly invite our Branches to participate in group conversations via the online Zoom platform regarding relevant issues within the Association. Each meeting involves an update from myself, an update from our CEO (Jai Rowell) and an update from each Branch President. Our Board Members are also actively involved in these meetings and attend wherever practicable. This format allows us to receive valuable feedback from our Branches and keep everyone informed on the updates within the Association. Zoom has been an exceptionally useful platform for all over the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and we will continue this open and effective communication with our Branches as we move forward. NEW CONSTITUTION The most recent topic of discussion within our Branch Zoom meetings has been the new SSAA NSW Constitution. As you are all now aware, SSAA NSW is required by the Department of Fair Trading to transition to a Company Limited By Guarantee at the 2020/2021 AGM. To achieve this, we must successfully pass an updated constitution. Given that this year's AGM is virtual to allow delegates to participate, regardless of public health orders, we have limited time to travel to Branches to discuss the new constitution and instead, opted to move the discussion to Branch Zoom meetings. We are pleased to report that to date there has been an overwhelmingly positive response with Branches expressing their approval of the new constitution. This will greatly assist in the process the AGM and the conversion to a Company Limited by Guarantee. I take this opportunity to thank all Branches for being part of the process and providing important feedback which has shaped the draft constitution. LANCE MILLER PRESIDENT, SSAA NSW