Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc. 5
It was less than ten minutes before we found our fi rst
rabbit. I sat on the ground, my little Anschutz resting
comfortably in my hands and
with my elbows on my knees
I lined him up in my sights. I
calmed my breathing, checked
the wind, then I let off my shot
… BANG! The rabbit had
disappeared! I ran over to see
what had happened and there
he was. My fi rst time hunting
and I had taken my fi rst rabbit
in a little over ten minutes. Dad
and Ian came down to where I
was and congratulated me on
my headshot, a clean kill. I laid
it down on the ground and Dad
then taught me how to skin
and clean him. It was dirty work
but also the best fun I had had
in a long time. We then moved
on taking rabbits as we went
until we fi nally stopped at the
quarry where Dad found our
fi rst fox. As soon as he saw it he lept to the nearest tree
and lined it up in his sights but the fox caught a whiff of
us, and started running toward
the rock wall. I could hear him
whispering, "Wait, wait, wait,"
and just as I was about to ask
Ian why he was waiting the fox
stopped and faced us. This
was a big mistake. There was
the bang of Dad's rifl e and
then a strange loose fox shape
crumpled into a big puff of fur.
Dad showed me how to skin
and clean the fox as well. After
that we wandered around for a
while and Ian shot his second
rabbit, but it was soon getting
late so we headed back to the
camp site and started getting
ready for bed. In the morning
we got up at around six (ish)
and started packing up the
camping gear ready for the
trip home.
Noel Cross Memorial Shield
March 14th,15th &16th
2014 City v's Country
Combined Service Discipline
For Event Information Please Visit or